Similar cohousing projects that have already been built

New Ground Cohousing
The residents of New Ground Cohousing scheme in High Barnet, near London, come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. The 25 homes include 11 one-bed, 11 two-bed and 3 three-bed flats, plus a common room, guest room, laundry and attractive gardens. The scheme has won nine design awards.

Copper Lane
London’s first cohousing scheme was built in Stoke Newington in 2014, and provides six homes, surrounding a raised central courtyard. Beneath the courtyard there is a shared laundry, workshop and meeting room; the gardens are also shared. The project cost £1.8m and has won five design awards.

Cannock Mill
This group of 30 people have recently completed the building of 23 new homes, a mixture of one and two-bedroom flats and 17 two and three-bedroom houses on a site in Colchester. Shared grounds and a common house are central to the scheme.

Marmalade Lane
Completed in 2019, this award-winning cohousing project in Cambridge provides 42 very low energy homes. The common house includes a large kitchen, lounge, laundry facilities, guest bedrooms, a shared workshop, children’s play room and flexible spaces for meetings and wellbeing classes.